Polyimide chemistry
High Temperature Filtration in metallurgical processes plants
The highly efficient filter media made of polyimide fibers P84® from Evonik keep the release of dust particles during metallurgical processing below emission limits.
A wide range of operating temperatures and the presence of explosive environments are the characteristics of flue gases in the steel industry. Covering temperature peaks up to 260°C and having a limiting oxygen index of 38%, P84® is capable to deal with sparks, varying oxygen contents and high temperatures.
The glass transition temperature of 315°C ensures the physical integrity of the fibre, even when the temperature limits are exceeded. Volume flows change due to the discontinuous operation of many processes. P84® prevents from dust penetration if the a/c ratio or the dust load reach peak values.
Metallurgical processing
Whenever filtration processes are realized at elevated temperatures, P84® is a viable option. Due to its combination of physical and chemical performance, P84® is the superior fibre for a wide range of applications. Further, P84® is the ideal partner in blends with other fibres, whenever another base material is used for technical or economical reasons.